
Due to a high volume of emails, it may take time until you receive responses from each division. We encourage you to stay ahead of time and contact our student service departments as early as possible.

When you contact Seattle Central College, here are our recommendations:

  1. Find the right division to contact. Contacting the department offering the service you have questions about is the fastest way for you to get the most up-to-date answer. 
  2. Contact Information Central. If you don’t know which division to contact, please contact us at Information Central through phone, email, or by asking us in-person. We can either provide you information or direct you to the right division.  
  3. Use Live Chat to talk with our support agents on the SCC website and get quick help. Start a conversation by clicking the chatbox on the bottom left.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where do I get my student ID? How soon do I receive it?  

You can get your student ID at the Broadway Campus at BE1104B1. You will receive your card right after your picture is taken.  


  1. How do I get an ORCA card?   

First, you purchase your card at the Cashier's office. Then, you pick up your card from the Auxiliary office on site in BE1143. 


  1. How do I get an ORCA Lift card?  

After you receive your ORCA card from the Axillary office, you can apply for an ORCA Lift discount at the Student Services Dept. on the 3rd Floor of the Broadway Edison building. You can also do this online via the King County Website. Once approved, you would transfer the funds from your student ORCA card to your ORCA lift card.  


  1. How do I find my classroom on campus?  

There are maps posted throughout the school. Specifically, there is one posted outside of the Information Central office. Here, you can find most of the rooms you may be looking for. If anything you need is not located on the map, feel free to stop by Information Central for instructions. 


  1. How do I contact my instructor for information about my virtual/hybrid class?  

If you do not already have your instructor’s email address, you can get their name from your schedule in the ctcLink portal and use that information in the SCC directory on the school website to get their email address. (school email addresses are usually formatted as firstname.lastname@seattlecolleges.edu)  


  1. Where do I pick up my official transcript?  

You can order official transcripts online through the National Student Clearinghouse here. If you want to order them in person, then you may fill out a transcript request form located in the Enrollment Services Lobby (BE1104) (home to Registration, Admissions, Financial Aid, and Cashiering). Then you just take the form to the Cashiering window where you will also pay the required fee. 


  1. Where do I go for in-person advising?  

The Academic Advising Center is located in the Broadway Edison Building at BE 1102D. Visit their website for current hours. 


  1. How do I reach the IT Help Desk?  

The IT Help Desk is located in Room BE3148 and you can get answers to technology questions relating to computer use on campus as well as finding login names, how to register and pay for classes online, and how to access online services for general college information. You can also email ITHelp@seattlecolleges.edu or call 206.934.6333


  1. Where do I go to sign up for ESL classes?  

It depends on whether you are a domestic or international student and your student visa status. If you are a domestic student, please visit the BTS website. If International, please connect with International Programs first.  


  1. How do I sign into the school wifi if I already know my student email login info? 

Login: Firstname.Lastname (no need to put “@seattlecolleges.edu” part) 

Password: same as your school email 


  1. Do I need my student ID to get into certain buildings on campus?  

Yes, but if the student ID office is closed, just let Security or Information Central know that you need to be escorted to your classes. 

Student Resources

Microsoft Office Pro - is available for free to SCC employees and students. Log in to office365.seattlecolleges.edu with your MySeattleColleges Login and password to download the software. 

Adobe Cloud - Students and teachers can save over 60%. Sign up with your SCC email. Learn more

Apple - Students and employees can access discounts for personal purchases at https://www.apple.com/us-edu/store 

Dell - Students can access discounts at https://www.dell.com/en-us/lp/students You will use your MySeattleColleges login to qualify