About Us

Info Central Logo

Information Central Ambassadors strive to help students, staff, and the community by offering our best assistance and support. Our goal is to connect with people and contribute to building an accessible and inclusive school environment.


What We Do

Information Central offer our services through multiple platforms: 

  • Email Team 
    We answer questions, direct you to the right divisions, and assist students further if necessary, via email. Please give us 1-2 business days to respond to your email. 

  • Phone/Voicemail Team 
    We answer questions and assist students via phone calls. During remote operation/afterhours, please leave your message and we will call you back as soon as possible.

  • In-Person Team
    We answer questions and provide accurate, timely information and referrals during walk-in hours.

  • Social Media and Communication Team  
    We share up-to-date school announcements/information about classes, clubs, and events and more useful resources through coordinating the posting process on campus and social media while being accessible to answer questions to students.  


Our History

Info Central started in 2011 by a team of student volunteers who saw a need. We were just a table by the main entrance of the Broadway Edison building with no resources but the experience and connections built with other offices. In 2012, we got funding and we were a team of paid and unpaid student ambassadors helping students navigate college. At the end of 2012, we got a home office that is located in BE1105 equipped with phones, computers, and space to grow. In 2018, we started a 2.0 phase. 


The first photo was taken of our info central crew

The first photo of our original info crew.