Student Organization Handbook
The Student Organization Handbook contains resources, policies, and more for Club leaders, advisors, and members.
Please note that this will be updated throughout the year. Any changes will be listed in our changelog.
Handbook Updates
- (All) Updated new Dean contact info!
- (All) The Seattle Central App is no longer active. All references to it have been removed.
- (Page 5-6) Added some clarity to Club Perks
- (Page 7) Room Reservation process has been updated
- (Page 15) Updated Quarterly Club Requirements.
- (All) Updated CAB Email to
- (Page 8) Added new Graphic Design requirements for Club Fliers.
- (Page 14) Added Club Active status requirements for Clubs from other Seattle Central Campuses (HEC, Wood Tech, etc.).
- (Page 19) Updated "Programmatic Activities" question.
- (Pages 2-3) Updated Staff information with current contacts
- (Page 12) Added specific guidelines for Food and Travel/Lodging.
- (Page 13) Added a "CAB Reserve Fund" page to better explain additional funding.
- (Page 18) Updated "Club President Requirements" question.
- (Page 3) Updated staff member list.
- (Page 5) Added a Club Perks section to differentiate what clubs with/without advisors can do.
- (Page 11) Added more examples of CAB events (for furfilling club requirements)
- (Page 12) Added a visual chart for Funding Request Deadlines.
- (Page 16) Added actions Student Orgs can take to overturn a infraction.
- (Page 17) Added a Club Advisor Checklist guide (great for staff/professors new to club advising)
- (Page 18) Added more questions to FAQ
- Expanded section on Flier/Poster Requirements.
- Added "Club Perks" and "What is an Advisor?" to the "How to start a Club" section.
- Header section is now accurate to the section of the handbook you're on.
- Grammatical changes.