Message from Our President.

Submitted by webteam_admin on Thu, 05/14/2020 - 12:56

Dear Seattle Central Community,

This coming Monday, May 18, Seattle Central College will begin to turn the dial to gradually reopen the campus.

We are and will remain closed to the public through the summer, because our city and state have yet to meet the conditions to lift Gov. Jay Inslee’s stay at home order. But on Monday, we will have permission to begin teaching a limited number of career-track programs in person, and to provide some student services by appointment only.

This means that a small number of students, faculty and staff will need to come to our campus for instruction and services. In order to ensure your safety and reduce the risk of spreading the novel coronavirus, we have instituted these procedures:

  • Everyone who needs to be in the Broadway campus must check in at the 1701 Broadway entrance (by the Buzz Café). This is also the only allowed exit out of the building – do not leave by any other door. (If you are at the Health Education Center or the Seattle Maritime Academy, check with your instructor for details)
  • Everyone entering and leaving our building must check in and check out by completing a form (Students) to attest that you do not have symptoms for COVID-19. You must also take your temperature at home before coming to campus. If your  temperature is 100.4F or more, do not come to campus
    • You will need to show your picture ID to enter
  • All employees and students will need to complete a training safety course on COVID-19 ahead of coming to campus. 
  • Everyone in our buildings must wear a cloth mask or covering, and maintain at least 6 feet of distance from other people.

We encourage everyone to continue working from home. If you need access to your office for materials or information, you must request an appointment before coming to campus. If you need access to equipment to perform your duties, email or fill out the online Equipment Request Form.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation, as we continue to search the best ways to stay safe and serve our students and our community.